Business Data


Kyckr is a corporate data provider with access to over 300+ registries in real-time. Dotfile parters with Kyckr to verify businesses, identify UBOs with live company register data, and enable access to over 1000+ corporate documents.

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Other data providers

Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK – Kamer van Koophandel)

Business Data


KVK manages the Dutch Business Register that provides reliable information about businesses including corporate history and filed documents.

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Companies House United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Companies House is the UK's registrar of companies, responsible for registering company information and making it available to the public.

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German Trade Register (Handelsregister – Gemeinsames Registerportal der Länder)

Business Data


Handelsregister is an official, public directory documenting essential information about registered businesses, including legal status and financial details.

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